Friday, February 19, 2016

Journal Sample

This class this year has done so much for me. But the main thing that this class has done for me is help develop a new writing sense. As I have written essays and have gotten peer responses back from others, I have learned more on how to think as I write. I have trouble so many times with just writing what is on my mind, but I never come to the realization that to others, it makes absolutely no sense, or it does not have a clear point. One essay that helped in this aspect was the Reader and Writers essay. As I read my peers suggestions on what they liked to read, it became the beginning of a new thought process I was to go through. Another essay that helped in developing this writer sense was our family stories. As I finished "Two Pole," my paper was critiqued and responded to by my peers. This was probably one of the most influential essay's that we wrote. Thinking of the story was fairly easy, but it became a little more difficult when we were forced to show and not tell what we wanted to get across. As I adjusted my paper according to the need of my peers, I began to notice that my point was a little more clear and I attracted my audience a little better. I have not even come close to being perfect, but I still have so much more to learn. The main thing that I have to continue to learn is how to think of a way to attract my audience and also to narrow my audience down. In my proverb paper, "Hope for the Best, but Prepare for the Worst", I was informed that my audience was too broad. This is a huge problem that can be easily fixed, I just have to think about the exact audience I am trying to reach. All of these things I have learned, I plan to use in every paper that I write, whether it is a letter to a friend or a petition for a specific audience. Even the little things, like to make sure my quotation marks are after the period, I will use to further advance my writing skills in days to come. I believe that writing only gets better when you practice, and that's why I think that we are all collectively getting better as a class in our writing abilities.

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